I am confused. . . but most of all I am a Christian Conservative.

Posts tagged ‘Animal Rights’

Animal Rights Activists

It’s just my weird way of thinking and seeing things but I am now thinking that with Sea World not having any whale or dolphin shows and with Barnum and Baily now shut down that this will have a negative effect on animals in the world.

Todays vocal activists became interested in animals after experiencing them by visiting places like SeaWorld and the Circus.  The dilemma is this.  Without the spark of interest created by such places as Barnum and Bailey and SeaWorld  there will be fewer and fewer of these so called activists to worry about animal rights.  That means that these activists have set their own cause back about 50 years or more.  There needs to be more tolerance and flexibility to further the cause and not kill it.

But of course the hard core activists (whatever the cause) are absolutely never satisfied and keep pushing further and further.  These activists will seen find out what other activists have started to find out, that the silent majority will allow itself to be pushed just so far and then they will start pushing back;  and that push back will be further and harder then they normally would taking back a lot of the ground that the activists have gained.