I am confused. . . but most of all I am a Christian Conservative.

Archive for June, 2016

Lou Dobbs – CIA Director Says Obama Wrong, Trump Right On Everything

Posted on June 17, 2016 by Rick Wells in 2016 Election, ISIS, Islamic, Lou Dobbs, Obama, Politics, Terrorists // 3 Comments

Lou Dobbs points to the lunacy that is ongoing in Washington DC, with the establishment structure going after Donald Trump for doing what just makes sense from a standpoint of survival and national interest.

He points out that the remarks of CIA Director John Brennan on the topic of terrorism, ISIS, al-Qaeda and the threats posed to Americans are in sharp contrast to those of the pretend ‘president.’ He makes the observation that Hussein Obama is acting as if there is no such thing as radical Islamist terrorism and that there is no sense of urgency coming from the White House.

Dobbs plays a clip of Brennan warning that ISIS is working to get their operatives into the west and that Obama is providing them with the means through which much of that exploitation will take place. In addition to accelerating the importation of unvetted “refugees” to historic levels and abandoning border enforcement, Dobbs points out a serious problem that exists with the visa waiver program. Of the 38 countries participating in the program, more than a third refuse to share information with us and of that one-third, three are included in the top ten terrorist nations.

Yet Obama’s complicity in bringing terrorism to the United States is ignored and the media and elites focus on Donald Trump. He says, “Attacking Trump in many instances simply because he is demanding that this country protect its citizens, strengthen our border security and end the visa waiver program and to place a temporary ban on immigration from countries with a history of terrorism against the United States.”

He points out that the only one that appears capable of recognizing and crafting an effective policy of action against America’s enemies is not the current occupant of the White House or his designated heir. It’s just Trump, they guy that the elite doesn’t want to come to power, the guy that threatens them and their exploitation of the American people as much as he does the terrorists.

Hello Friends and Readers – As a defender of the US Constitution against the globalist Fascists who are attempting to destroy the United States, censorship is an unfortunate reality. Much of the media, including social media, is under the control of the anti-American globalist camp. Please like me on my New Facebook page that I’ve created in response to strangulation censorship. Find me at Stop The Takeover, https://www.facebook.com/StopTheTakeover/ and please follow me on Twitter @RickRWells I’d also appreciate it if you SUBSCRIBE in the right sidebar on my website at http://RickWells.us, as there’s no telling what the America-hating nation pirates will do next. Thanks, Rick

America’s 6th President Explained Islam Perfectly in ONE Brutal Sentence


From Top Right News, By Top Right News on June 13, 2016 in Islam, Uncategorized

by Smith Callen | Top Right News

Barack Obama has often claimed that Islam was admired by America’s Founders, and made “great contributions” to the nation’s founding.

President John Quincy Adams would beg to differ.

He understood what so many people are afraid to admit today: that Islam is not a “religion of peace.” Those who commit evil in the name of Islam are just following what the Koran teaches.

From WND via The Federalist Papers:

In 1841, John Qunicy Adams defended 53 Africans accused of mutiny aboard the slave ship Amistad. He won their case before the Supreme Court, giving them back their freedom, stating:

“The moment you come to the Declaration of Independence, that every man has a right to life and liberty, an inalienable right, this case is decided. I ask nothing more in behalf of these unfortunate men than this Declaration.”

African slaves brought to America were purchased at Muslim slave markets, where over Islam’s centuries of history an estimated 180 million were enslaved.

Quincy Adams had the example of both his father’s and Thomas Jefferson’s battles against the Muslim pirates of Libya, and also Muslim slave traders, to draw on when he made a conclusion n that sounds like he could be describing much of the Muslim world today, 174 years later:

“The natural hatred of the Muslims towards the infidels is in just accordance with the precepts of the Koran.”

He contrasted this with Christianity:

“The fundamental doctrine of the Christian religion is the extirpation of hatred from the human heart. It forbids the exercise of it, even towards enemies.”

He continued, with a historical reference to the Muslim “prophet” that could well describe ISIS today:

“In the 7th century of the Christian era, a wandering Arab (Mohammed) … spread desolation and delusion over an extensive portion of the earth. … He declared undistinguishing and exterminating war as a part of his religion. … The essence of his doctrine was violence and lust, to exalt the brutal over the spiritual part of human nature.”

Remember these words the next time you hear Barack Obama absurdly claim that America’s Founding Fathers admired Islam or that the religion made wonderful “contributions to American culture.”

That is, unless you call “contributions,” the capture and selling of millions of African slaves, and the Barbary Wars.

Refreshing to see a U.S. president who wasn’t afraid to speak the truth about Islam, is it not?

Story Behind the Song

From an email list I am on.


Several songs that might have been hits have been discarded during the actual
recording sessions because the artist changed their mine about the tunes after
starting to record them.
Such was almost the case for Elvis Presley’s 1960 hit “Are You Lonesome
Elvis reportedly recorded the song with the lights out in the studio – at his
According to recording engineer Bill Porter – there was only an acoustic guitar,
a bass, the Jordanaires, and Elvis on that session and the Jordanaires made a
mistake on the end – by going to the wrong chord. After barely getting started
on the second take – Elvis stopped the session and told producer Steve Sholes to
throw the song out because he couldn’t do it justice.  Sholes thought the song
was a hit and talked Elvis into re-recording just the ending of the song – then
told Porter to splice the tape and add the re-recorded ending to the rest of the
Porter spliced the tape and Presley’s RCA Victor single “Are You Lonesome
Tonight” came on the country charts December 12th, 1960 and peaked at number 22.
It was Presley’s 30th charted country song and was on the charts for six weeks.

Spoiled Brat Romney Goes Full Democrat In Smearing Donald Trump

Posted on June 11, 2016 by Rick Wells in 2016 Election, Donald Trump, Political Establishment // 2 Comments

The holier-than-thou spoiled brat off-shoring exploiter of the American people, Mitt Romney, has apparently finally given up on the idea of either him or his mini-me Paul Ryan becoming president without having to campaign. He’s fully engaged in trashing the Republican nominee who played by the rules, did all of the work and won by unprecedented numbers against an historically large field.

If the American people were too ignorant to see his greatness and that of his fellow globalist puppet Paul Ryan four years ago and still haven’t come to their senses, then he’s done. He’s picking up his marbles and he’s going to play with the Democrats in “sort of secret.” Romney’s now doing everything he can to angrily trash the man we selected instead of him or his anointed one, Canadian establishment shill Ted Cruz.

At what could be dubbed his “Mad at America Establishment Retreat,” Romney allowed himself to be interviewed by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and he had an angry mouthful to get off of his chest. Not being the synthetic saint that Lyin’ Ted Cruz was has its drawbacks and one of them is being the target of false claims by those who put themselves and their associates on false religious high horses. Romney, Cruz and Beck give religion a bad name as they denounce others from under their undeserved, self-positioned religious mantle. Mitt is miffed that the American people saw through his and Glenn Beck’s charade and voted for Trump instead their elite cabal candidate.

Romney won’t tolerate the rejection of him and the choices he provided, himself or the sleazy political preacher Glenn Beck proclaimed was predicted and selected by Mormon leader Joseph Smith in their founding prophecy. That non-Mormon wealth redistribution church of the Seven Mountains Dominionist, Ted Cruz might have lost, but he’s not going like a gentleman and neither is Romney. Fittingly and symbolically, the setting for Romney’s attack against those who failed to see the light of following him was the Utah mountains in Deer Park, east of Salt Lake City. Utah’s got lots of mountains; go ahead, Ted, pick the seven you like.

Romney’s angle of attack is to attack from the right flank, using the same weaponry that is coming in from the left and the same projection tactics. He’s labeling trump a racist for identifying the racist Judge Curiel, the anti-American LaRaza agitator for what he really is.

Romney told Wolf Blitzer that Trump had indicated, “What he believes in his heart about race and about Judge Curiel,” totally adopting the leftist false portrayal of the racist judge and the non-racist Mr. Trump. “I don’t want to see trickle-down racism. I don’t want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that are following. Presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation, and trickle-down racism, trickle-down bigotry, trickle-down misogyny; all these things are extraordinarily dangerous to the heart and character of America.”

Of course all of those are things that Romney knows Trump is not, so the real reason he’s doing what he’s doing is either to pull some shenanigans at the convention or to help the establishment candidate Hillary Clinton. He also indicated that he could support the third party candidacy if former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld were atop the ticket, as Weld is a friend of his who supported his campaigns in both 2008 and 2012. Donald Trump also supported and donated money to Romney, but his support seems to have a much shorter shelf life. Maybe that’s just more Romney BS to cover the fact that he’s an establishment tool and his job is to derail Trump.

He really had his heart set on TPP, he could have done so much pilfering of America if Trump and Sessions hadn’t ruined everything.

Hello Friends and Readers – As a defender of the US Constitution against the globalist Fascists who are attempting to destroy the United States, censorship is an unfortunate reality. Much of the media, including social media, is under the control of the anti-American globalist camp. Please like me on my New Facebook page that I’ve created in response to strangulation censorship. Find me at Stop The Takeover, https://www.facebook.com/StopTheTakeover/ and please follow me on Twitter @RickRWells I’d also appreciate it if you SUBSCRIBE in the right sidebar on my website at http://RickWells.us, as there’s no telling what the America-hating nation pirates will do next. Thanks, Rick

Hillary – Never

From Twitter: Church Curmudgeon

Church Curmudgeon@ChrchCurmudgeon Mar 28

Do King James Only churches post their sermons on ThouTube?

Church Curmudgeon@ChrchCurmudgeon 24h24 hours ago

Scandal at the National Amateur Handbell Choir Tournament. Looks like the winning team hired a couple of ringers.

Church Curmudgeon@ChrchCurmudgeon Jun 8

If Trump would just identify as a woman, we’d have the perfect storm.

Church Curmudgeon@ChrchCurmudgeon Jun 7

On the positive side, they’ve discovered a new perpetual energy source: All the founding fathers spinning in their graves. #PrimaryDay

Church Curmudgeon@ChrchCurmudgeon Jun 6

First day of VBS, and I got 3 kids to rededicate themselves to staying off the lawn.

Church Curmudgeon@ChrchCurmudgeon Jun 2

This election is pretty much proof that someone went back a million years in a time machine and stepped on a butterfly.

Church Curmudgeon@ChrchCurmudgeon Jun 2

Lady next door uses a 24-hour lawn service. Doesn’t bother me, except when . . . In the midnight hour, she cries, “Mow, mow, mow!”