I am confused. . . but most of all I am a Christian Conservative.

Archive for the ‘Religion’ Category

Don’t Mess With Texas

This is the latest post on the Blog “Beauty Beyond Bones’ written by Caralyn Collar. Her latest post I think is a must read for everyone. So here it is . . . I urge you to read it.

Here is the link to her post. . . Don’t Mess With Texas . I was going to copy and past it here but I just got lazy.

Dems Outraged As House Republicans Open Session With Prayer

Dems Outraged As House Republicans Open Session With Prayer

Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats are up in arms after the few Republicans of the House began the latest session with a group prayer. GOP members outright refused to let proceedings begin until they had bowed their heads and asked god to bless their country and guide them in their decisions.

Those that prayed did so in silence while hundreds of Democrats around them screamed and pelted them with balled up paper and pens. This went on for five full minutes until Representative Barron finally lifted his head, smiled, and said, “Amen.”

Pelosi was the first to express her opposition:

“We do not PRAY in this house! This is MY house and you will do as I say! Should this happen again, security will be called and you will be removed! Is that clear?”

But Barron remained calm and composed in his response:

“Mrs Pelosi, we are a Christian nation. We were built upon Christian principles and moral codes. This faith is what built our country up into the power that it is today.

You should be thanking us and every other citizen who holds faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ, everyday, for it is we who have given you the bounties which you so extravagantly enjoy.

We will not stop. Our thanks to God will continue each and every day. You can try to silence us in here but you cannot sway our trust in God. You have the power of this House but He holds greater power over all.

I sincerely hope you find your way, Nancy.”

This led to republican cheers and democrat jeers for close to an hour before all settled down to business.

Barron exemplifies the Christian spirit. He is to be applauded for bringing god back into governance.

Election 2020

Foolish me I would have thought that the Republicans would have forseen all of the fraud and cheating and planned to stop it. And the Democrats have had such a free ride from the Media it just got easier and easier for them to cheat more and more.

Every time someone dares to tell the truth the Liberal mobs start smearing and threatening them and their families. And the media goes along with them. Regardless whether it is Qanon or Proud Boys or Tea Party they are bashed and smashed relentlessly. And the American people eventually believe all of the crap they are fed by the Media.

Liberal groups have literally burned and looted major cities and taken over ; and the police were told by the liberals to stand down.

This cancer that is taking over our country is spreading and I just don’t know what can be done to turn things around. I think maybe a revival of our religious beliefs would help to bring back our moral values.

Oh yes, and Pray for our country.

Miss America: The Latest Institution Destroyed by the Left

Dennis Prager
Posted: Jun 12, 2018 12:01 AM


As I have documented repeatedly, the left ruins just about everything it touches: the universities, the arts, the elementary schools and high schools, religion, sports and ordinary, everyday interactions between human beings — especially human beings of different races. The latest examples — in just the last few weeks — are the Boy Scouts, sculpture and the Miss America pageant.

The left’s decades long attempt to radically change the Boy Scouts has ended in triumph. Now that the Boy Scouts is admitting not only older girls but also younger girls — as Cub Scouts — it is dropping “Boy” from its name and becoming Scouts BSA. Thanks to the left, the Boy Scouts, one of the most socially and morally constructive organizations in America, is no longer the Boy Scouts.

As a result of that, as a result of the decision to admit openly gay males as troop leaders (the Boy Scouts never asked potential troop leaders about their sexual orientation but did not allow openly gay troop leaders) and as a result of factors specific to the Mormon church, the largest sponsor of Boy Scout troops in America, the church has ended its 100-year relationship with the Boy Scouts.

Another victim of the left in recent weeks is the arts. Last week, The New York Times published a serious “review” on a major new “art work” at the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The “art work” is a set of four giant piles of sculpted excrement. As described by Times writer Nina Siegal: “I walked into the excrement.

“There were four giant turds inside the 16,000 square feet of museum space. One mammoth piece of feces was reminiscent of a long, winding steel sculpture by Richard Serra. One was a brown spiral. Another resembled an enormous chocolate chip. Yet another featured intertwined layers with a gap in between that I could have crawled through …”

The artistic left is infatuated with feces, urine and menstrual blood. Last year, New York City’s famed Guggenheim Museum featured an all-gold toilet bowl into which visitors were invited to relieve themselves. As the exhibit was titled “America,” one could then literally urinate and defecate on America. Why not? The left does that to America and Western civilization every day.

The latest victim of the left is the Miss America contest. The Miss America board announced that contestants will no longer wear swimsuits or evening gowns because Miss America will no longer be about physical beauty. It will be about “the hopes and aspirations” of 52 women contestants.

My first reaction is: Why stop there? To be consistent with its new ideals, the event should no longer be televised but rather broadcast on the radio. Only then will the contestants’ looks be truly irrelevant.

The left, which has brought “sex week” to almost every college campus, which has introduced coed dormitories with coed showers and bathrooms, and which has told young women that sex without any commitment should be as much fun for them as it is for men, is now the guardian of modesty at the Miss America contest.

In particular, feminists hate it when women try to look sexy, especially in the eyes of men.

One of the left’s favorite terms to describe the Miss America swimsuit competition (and even the evening gown competition) is “dehumanizing.” In a long article on the Miss America decision, The New York Times quoted Julie Zeilinger, who founded “a feminist blog called FBomb”: “in 2018 this organization has realized it’s dehumanizing to compare and judge women’s bodies in front of a vast, international audience.”

This feminist charge is ubiquitous but never explained. Why is it dehumanizing?

One irony is feminists have argued for decades that women should be allowed to walk around topless, just as men can.

Another irony is that when non-Muslims argue that Muslim women wearing a chador is dehumanizing, the left charges them with intolerance and Islamophobia.

A third irony is women are as interested in seeing beautiful women in swimsuits as men are.

I was raised in an Orthodox Jewish home, and I recall my mother and father enjoying the Miss America pageant every year. They would discuss their favorites with each other, both of them perfectly at peace with the proceedings, as was the Christian majority.

Which raises a final irony: When America was far more conservative, far more religious and far more concerned with daily modesty in dress, and when it insisted that male students and female students reside in separate dorms at college, it celebrated the Miss America pageant with its swimsuit competition. That was a healthier America.

Inside of a few weeks, the left has gravely damaged the Boy Scouts, probably destroyed the Miss America pageant and pounded another nail into the coffin of art.

That’s what the left does best – ruins whatever it touches. That’s pretty much all it does.

Ferlin Husky – I Saw God

An old country song I love. I dearly wish todays artists had the faith and values that the older artist did.

Chick on the Right – The View Mocks Christians

Yep I love reading the “Chicks On The Right” and have for quite some time now.    Just like President Trump they speak for me and to me all the time.   This latest article is really great and I felt the need to share it on my blogs.    Here is a link to their website and article

I am going to copy and paste it exactly as it is presented on their website (text only).   Enjoy,


‘The View’ Shamelessly Mocks Christians In The Most Vile Way

 by Hannah Bleau

Why do we allow Democrats to call themselves the party of “open-mindedness” and “tolerance” and “love” and “compassion” when they consistently prove otherwise? If you don’t think the same way they think, if you don’t believe the same way they believe, they mock you and treat you like alien scum.

I’ve had it.

The latest attack comes from Omarosa and the cackling women of “The View.” Omarosa– who’s hit the big time on “Celebrity Big Brother”– decided to mock Mike Pence’s Christian faith, despite claiming to be a Christian herself. She’s all freaked out that Pence talks to God, and it just makes me wonder what kind of relationship with God she has, because that’s kind of how it works. There’s communication. It’s called a relationship for a reason.

Anyway, Joy Behar and her co-hosts decided to chime in and mock Pence, because talking to your Lord and Savior is just so darn hysterical.

“I think what’s interesting is that she said Jesus tells Mike Pence things to say,” Sunny Hostin said.

Behar was all, “It’s one thing to talk to Jesus. It’s another thing when Jesus talks to you.” She then likened a Christian praying and hearing from God to someone suffering from mental illness.

“As a Christian, that’s just par for the course,” Sherri Shepherd said. “You talk to Jesus, Jesus talks back. What concerns me is, how long is the conversation with Jesus?”

What business is that of yours?

Behar continued to try to deliver the jokes.

“Can he talk to Mary Magdalene without his wife in the room?”

That’s a Catholic thing, Joy. And that’s not even the right Mary. Good grief.

Shepard then suggested that she’s more comfortable with Pence exercising his Christian faith in “moderation.”

“Do we want our politics served to us with a religious veneer over them?” Hostin added. “This administration is not a values-driven administration.”

Listen– I’ve been fairly transparent about my faith and relationship with God. It goes hand in hand with my core values as a conservative, but I don’t mention Jesus in every single post I write, because conservative principles are COMMON SENSE. You don’t have to be a “Christian” to be a conservative. Truth is truth. But when liberals start suggesting I’m mentally ill, it gets personal. I feel as though I have every right to respond.

Call me what you want, but I talk to the Lord too, and guess what? I hear from Him. I’m not going to get into every nitty gritty detail of my life, but I wouldn’t be here, doing what I’m doing and living the life I live without the grace and goodness of God. I wouldn’t be pursuing my passion and working with my best friends. That’s God’s hand on my life, period.

I’ve dealt with really horrifying health struggles with my youngest sister. I’ve had God answer my prayers and have felt His presence. I’ve seen creative miracles, and I know there’s nothing more that the Lord wants than to have personal relationships with each and every one of us. He’s not distant and detached. It’s personal. He’s wonderful and I will NEVER back down. Yes. I’m human. Sometimes, I screw up. I get emotional, but the fact of the matter is, His Spirit is living inside of me. I’m actively discovering who I am in Christ, and lemme tell ya. It’s the real deal. I can barely contain my excitement. Jesus is so good to me.

I’m not Bible thumpin’ here. I’m not telling you how to live YOUR life. This is my life. This is me. I’m just sick of the left’s double standard. Muslims, atheists, Buddhists– OFF LIMITS. But Christians? ATTACK!!!!!! Mock!!!!!! Hate!!!!!!!!

I’m over it. Liberals aren’t open-minded. They’re hypocritical jerks.

If conservatives Christians treated liberal WHATEVERS the way they treated us, all hell would break loose. Can you imagine Joy suggesting that Muslims suffer from mental illness for thinking Allah wants them to kill infidels? That would never happen, even though she’d have EVERY reason to question that motive.

But nope. Christians. We love Jesus– who, by the way, doesn’t instruct us to MURDER PEOPLE WHO DISAGREE WITH US– but we’re the psychos suffering from a mental illness.


You don’t even have to go the “religious” route. Someone can say, “Yeah. I feel like I actually switch back and forth between being a man and being a woman” or “I think I’m part mermaid,” and liberals are all, “Wow that’s FASCINATING. Please tell us more!”

But Christians communicating with God? We’re gross freaks.

I talk to Jesus too, Joy. YOU’RE the hypocritical weirdo.

St John Presbyterian – Tampa FL

St John Presbyterian – Tampa FL


This is the church I grew up in many, many, many, many (is that enough?) years ago.

A small church but with a congregation that worked tirelessly to serve the community.    Besides the church building on their property they have a Walk In Clinic for those that can’t afford health care,  a group home for developmentally disabled adults and a learning center.

Anyone looking for a church home would do well to give St John a try and if I were to still live in Tampa it would still be my choice.  With that said the folks who were the backbone of the church (Mike and Olga Casanueva, Manual and Hortense Beito, and my mom and dad Charlotte and Henry Knight); of course there are others but right now these come to mind first.

Here is a link to their new website,  please give it a browse and consider them for your new church home.

St John Presbyterian – Tampa FL


Southern Gospel Music

Coal Basket Bible

The Coal Basket Bible

The story is told of an old man who lived on a farm in the mountains of Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning, Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading from his old worn-out Bible. His grandson who wanted to be just like him tried to imitate him in any way he could.

One day the grandson asked, “Papa, I try to read the Bible just like you but I don’t understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Bible do?”

The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and said, “Take this coal basket down to the river and bring back a basket of water.”

The boy did as he was told, even though all the water leaked out before he could get back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, “You will have to move a little faster next time,” and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again.

This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was “impossible to carry water in a basket,” and he went to get a bucket instead.

The old man said, “I don’t want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You can do this. You’re just not trying hard enough,” and he went out the door to watch the boy try again.

At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would leak out before he got far at all. The boy scooped the water and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty. Out of breath, he said, “See Papa, it’s useless!”

“So you think it is useless?” the old man said. “Look at the basket.”

The boy looked at the basket and for the first time he realized that the basket looked different. Instead of a dirty old coal basket, it was clean. “Son, that’s what happens when you read the Bible. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, it will change you from the inside out.” That is the work of God in our lives. To change us from the inside out and to slowly transform us into the image of His son.

Take time to read a portion of God’s word each day, and remind a friend by sharing this story.

“Live Simply, Love Generously, Care Deeply, Speak Kindly, Leave the Rest to God

16 Years Forogtten

By the way if you have not ever read this blog I recommend you read some of it as this young lady has a very special message that could benefit you.   I am a 70 year old “old fart” and I love to read her post.

Posted on September 11, 2017 by beautybeyondbones

You know what is terrifying?

The fact that most high school seniors were born after September 11, 2001.
Yep. Seniors in high school. Did not experience 9/11. Many were born after the terror attacks.

My mind. Can’t. Comprehend.

It’s been 16 years.

The slogan has been and always will be: 9/11: Never Forget.

Never Forget the 3000 lives that were lost that day in the towers. The 343 NY fire fighters who lost their lives, including the fire house chaplain, Fr. Mychal Judge who was hit by falling rubble while giving a victim last rites. The children who lost parents or loved ones that fateful day.

Never Forget that our country was viciously attacked in a calculated, and cold blooded way.

But you want to know the sad truth?

We have forgotten.

I remember right after the attacks, there was a shortage of American Flags across the United States.

A shortage. Every store was sold out. Because people were hanging them outside of their homes, car windows, mailboxes, cubicles, – you name it. People were even spray-painting their lawns the American Flag. There were candle light vigils and patriotic concerts.

Everything was God Bless America.

Now a days, we can’t even get our professional athletes to stand up during the National Anthem at sporting events, for crying out loud.

We’re fighting to remove “Under God” from our pledge of allegiance.

We’ve got pop stars proclaiming that they “hate America” and openly disrespecting our country and the flag – and encouraging others to do the same.
Not to mention the complete farce people – and the media – have made of President Trump and the first family.

This was not the America of 16 years ago.

The America, 16 years ago, stood up for itself. The America, 16 years ago, was not afraid to draw a definitive line between right and wrong, and enforce consequences for offenders.

Now a-days, we can’t even call someone by their God-given sex, without the threat of offending someone or being the target for public shame – or even worse – getting labeled as part of a “hate group.”

Somewhere during the process of the “Snowflaking-of-America,” we’ve completely forgotten about the day we were attacked, not once – not twice – but four times: Twice in NYC, Once at the Pentagon, and Once in Pennsylvania.

I was walking along the West Side Highway in New York City today, and the next thing I know, the road is closed, and literally 1,000s of motorcycles are parading down the avenue. There are helicopters and police escorts, and for literally 25 minutes, hundreds and hundreds of bikes, bedecked with American Flags and patriotic swag caravanned from Ground Zero to midtown in honor of the anniversary of 9/11.

These people remembered.

These people were not afraid to raise our flag with pride and reverence.

These people were showing respect, and God bless them for it.

Why is forgetting 9/11 such a crime?

Because it makes us take our freedom for granted.

It makes us forget that our freedom is actually a gift. People have died for our freedom. It came with a price.

So the next time you’re stuck in line at airport security, just remember that 9/11 is the reason you’re having to take off your shoes. And belt. And jewelry. And getting a pat down.

Why? Because on September 11, 2001, hijackers got on airplanes and attacked the United States of America.

But we stood up for our country.

We made a vow never to forget.

And it’s time we started acting like it.

It’s time we start respecting our elected officials and work to cooperate together instead of demonstrating hatred and anger and an uncompromising spirit through violent protests and marches.

America, 16 years ago – came together when the chips were down. We united.
America today – we’re hostile with one another: venomously divided, – and violently defensive.

I don’t like it. I don’t like it one little bit.

And I get it, our country is far from perfect. There are still some serious issues – racisim and sexism just to name a few. But cooperation is a two way street, and all sides have a role to play. So that with our freedom, and with a cooperative spirit, we can continue to make progress against these issues in a county that allows us the freedom to do so.

Maybe this hurricane is falling on the anniversary of September 11, as a God-facilitated catalyst for our country to come together.

Because quite honestly, we’re at a breaking point.

Maybe this emergency is just the situation we needed to set aside our differences, and come together as a United nation. The United States of America. One nation – under God, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all.

NOTE:  if you go to her actual website there are graphics and so forth that are available.