I am confused. . . but most of all I am a Christian Conservative.

Posts tagged ‘Hillary’

Hillary and More

Yes, I know that just seeing her name or picture makes a lot of us just plain sick.  This evil woman just can’t accept that she lost because people just flat out don’t like her or her policies or her failed record.   In the past the lemmings in her party would have bit the bullet and just pulled the lever for her but the Liberals (Democrats) has in recent years gone so far off the reservation that people are starting not to believe the Democrats, much less trust them.  And this flame is fueled by the main stream media’s one sided news which people have started to distrust even more than the Democrats.

While I am on the subject the Republicans are going down that same road (except that the main stream media is against them).  The American people can only be lied to so many times before they abandon that party also.

FOX news is also on the brink of throwing away the good will they built up with the American people over the years.  We had FOX news that would at least try to be fair in reporting on both sides of the fence – but they are in the process of throwing it away and we will have to find a new source for our news.  If on FaceBook if you are selective about who you friend or on Twitter be selective with who you follow and that is a start.  There is some good information on YouTube videos and podcasts – not all of them mind you, you have to be selective.




Election : Graham, Pastor Duke, Huckabee

Franklin Graham

Our state has early voting, and I voted this week. As I got out of my car, a lady approached me and asked if I wanted a list of the Progressive candidates. I told her no thank you. You know, the word Progressive is just a way to try to make secular and godlessness sound better and more up-to-date. I told this lady that Progressives are for the most part atheists—and they’re not going to stand for God’s laws and for His direction in our country. Beware, and be sure to know what you are voting for and who you are voting for.
“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” (Psalm 20:7)

Mike Huckabee

1 hr ·

Given this week’s news, I didn’t expect Hillary Clinton to be in a very cheerful mood. But I’ve noticed that just about every time I’ve seen a clip of her speaking this week, she was launching an aggressive attack of some sort. Maybe at James Comey, but usually at Donald Trump, whom she repeatedly portrays as a mean, crazy, vicious, sexist, racist, dangerous lunatic who will blow up the world with nuclear weapons – and even worse, he insults people!

Meanwhile, Trump gets …in his shots, but I mostly see him talking about policy: how he’ll repeal and replace Obamacare, cut taxes, bring back manufacturing jobs, restore law and order, rebuild inner city neighborhoods and so on. I also notice that he does it with a lot of humor. He throws in funny jabs at the media, sarcasm, hyperbole and self-deprecating ad-libs. Of course, these exaggerated humorous asides are misconstrued by the media as literal expressions of what he seriously believes, so they can pretend to be OUTRAGED!!! But if you actually see the speeches, you realize that Trump is having a ball joking with the crowds, and his optimism about America and his chances of winning is contagious. Hillary scowls that Trump is the “angry” candidate, and the media echo that accusation; but when you see him on the stump, he comes across as a Happy Warrior, fighting hard but enjoying every minute of it.

That’s why I predicted months ago that he would win, in the face of all the media assurances that Hillary was unbeatable, and I’m standing by it. I think voters are finally starting to see through the 24/7 character assassination of Trump and realize that he’s offering them positive reasons for vote for him, not just fear and paranoia about his opponent. That’s what most voters are hungry for.

All that is the perfect set-up to this story from Pew Research that looked into which candidates’ supporters really are the more tolerant of those with diverse views that differ from their own. Some call this a “shocking result,” but I’m not even surprised. I suspect you won’t be, either.

    After so many WikiLeaks revelations, Americans might be tempted to echo Bernie Sanders and say they’re “tired of hearing about Hillary’s d***ed emails.” But Bernie shouldn’t have said that, and neither should we. At the link, an explanation of why the news that broke last night of the FBI finding 350 previously-unknown (not duplicate) Hillary Clinton State Department emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop is a major deal, possibly the first crack in exposing what could become “t…he biggest scandal in US history.”

    Also worth noting: the story was broken by CBS News. Not Fox or Breitbart or the Internet. The MSM have made it their duty for the past year to act as Hillary’s palace guard, even sending her campaign their stories to edit before printing them. If even CBS senses that what’s coming is so bad, there’s no point in trying to protect the Clintons anymore, and therefore news outlets had better get back to protecting their own reputations, then the dam might be about to burst. Stay tuned.

Duke Hergatt

My favorite prophet in my youth..Stepenwolf” said “There’s a monster on the loose and has our heads into a noose and he stands there watching”. I think they were right.
The monster is a corrupt “progressive” machine that has our schools, mainstream media, one and a half of our political parties, the executive branch of our Government, half of the Supreme Court and about half of congress.
I believe this election and all the scandals will bring their evil house of cards down or seal their deal. I pray for the innocent to prevail and evil to be defeated. Evidence is mounting. The cockroaches are scurrying away from the light. Innocence need not hide or bleach emails nor fear any leaked info. Man this is awesome spiritual warfare.

Hillary Clinton is for all Americans. Except Christians, conservatives and the unborn.

Oct. 13, 2016 11:49am

Matt Walsh

Matt Walsh

Matt Walsh is a blogger, writer, speaker, and professional truth sayer.

The Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party have been engaged in a covert plot to infiltrate and undermine the Catholic Church. That is a crazy Republican conspiracy theory, and the craziest thing about it is that it also happens to be the truth. This demonstrates one of the major problems conservatives have always had in dealing with the Clinton Machine: They’re so absurdly corrupt and villainous that simply reporting on their actual behavior makes you sound like a fringe nutcase in an aluminum foil hat.

But the truth is the truth, regardless of how outlandish it sounds. And we know about this truth because it was clearly outlined in leaked emails between top officials in the Clinton campaign. During the course of several conversations, they complained bitterly about conservative Catholics, calling them “severely backwards” and accusing them of being people attracted to “systematic thought,” duped by a “bastardized” faith, and harboring terrible, sexist views about gender. Oddly, it was concluded that wealthy and influential Catholics are only Catholic because they want to seem “sophisticated.” I’m not quite sure how someone can be both backwards and sophisticated at the same time, but I suppose hateful prejudices are rarely coherent or consistent.

Of course, we’re all familiar with and hardly surprised by these common complaints about the mean old Christians who refuse to give up on 2,000 years of teachings for the sake of conforming to the ideological trends of the moment. More noteworthy was the conversation in one of the email chains about the need to “plant the seeds of revolution” within the Catholic ranks. The campaign plotted to rid Catholicism of its doctrines and orthodoxy by fomenting a progressive rebellion. It was agreed that they need to spark a “Catholic spring” to “end the Middle Ages dictatorship.” Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, assured his co-conspirators that Trojan horse groups had already been created for this purpose:

We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this. But I think it lacks the leadership to do so now. Likewise Catholics United. Like most Spring movements, I think this one will have to be bottom up.

We need not even point out how the media would react if these same emails were leaked from top Republicans — as long as “Catholic” and “Catholic Church” were replaced with “Muslims” and “Islam” or even “Jews” and “Judaism.” If it were revealed that the Trump campaign not only griped about the “backwards” American Muslims or the “bastardized” Jews, but actually had a hand in creating fake Muslim or Jewish groups as vehicles to sneak in anti-Muslim or anti-Jewish ideology, anchors on CNN would be having actual heart attacks on camera. Hillary Clinton would weep publicly over the “hatefulness” and “cynicism” and “discrimination” and so on and so forth. “We’re stronger together,” she would cry out in a robotic voice straining to sound at least somewhat emotional.

Yet, because the Democrats did it, and they did it to those bastard Catholics, they won’t even be forced to say they’re sorry. The Clinton camp came out and dismissed the whole issue as a “faux controversy,” which is the same thing they said about Clinton breaking federal law and then deleting emails to cover it up, and the same thing they said about Clinton getting four Americans killed in Benghazi, and the same thing they’ve been saying for 30 years. I’m starting to suspect that these people don’t know what the word “faux” means. In fairness, they did agree that an apology should be forthcoming in this case — but they said the apology should come from Donald Trump for colluding with the Russians.

As for them colluding with each other to destroy a religion that 70 million Americans belong to, they see no reason to express remorse. And why should they? The media has dutifully shelved this story, along with every other negative Clinton story (it’s a very crowded shelf at this point), and now we’ve moved back to dwelling on Donald Trump’s dubious sexual exploits. Don’t get me wrong: It is certainly relevant that the GOP nominee is an alleged serial abuser of women, but it’s also relevant that the Democratic nominee is a crook, a liar, and a bigot engaged in a plot to overthrow our religious institutions and reshape them in her own image. A fair minded and honest person would find the time to be outraged by both. But in our country there is a severe shortage of those kinds of people, particularly in the media.

Unfortunately, I can’t force the news to report this story, and I can’t make anyone care about it even if they did. But I can at least point out that, despite the slogan she constantly repeats, Hillary Clinton does not intend to be a president “for all Americans.” While we hear so much about Donald Trump’s “bigotry” and “divisiveness,” let’s keep in mind that Hillary Clinton is the one who thinks that millions of Americans are ”irredeemable” and millions more are “backwards” misogynists who subscribe to a “Middle Ages” faith. And it’s not only Catholics that Clinton hates. Recall that just last year she announced at the Women in the World Summit that “deep seated religious beliefs have to be changed.”

It was around that time that her people were emailing back and forth about infiltrating the church, so we know that she meant what she said. And what she said is quite terrifying when you break it down. Religious beliefs have to be changed. She does not think that those of us who harbor the beliefs should have a choice in the matter. And they must be changed, which is noticeably different than saying that the members of these faiths should change them. No, they must be changed. As in, some more enlightened, progressive force must come in from the outside and make the necessary alterations. After all, the silly, ridiculous fools who buy into this religious crap can’t well be expected or trusted to do it themselves.

Hillary Clinton is not for all Americans. She is for a very specific sort of American, and those who do not fit that mold should be forced to change or pay the price. She does not intend to be a president for Christians, or orthodox members of any other faith, or conservatives. Nor will she be a president for the unborn, we should note. In Hillary’s view, the only real Americans are those who have met her standards of physical and intellectual development. Anyone who falls outside of those requirements does not deserve respect, nor do we really deserve our constitutional rights. As far as she’s concerned, we’re modern day neanderthals. She’s not for us. And if — as will very likely be the case — she becomes president simply and solely because she had the great fortune of running against Donald Trump, we Christians ought to remember this fact.

Hillary got some home-cooking from Lester Holt

Written by Todd Starnes

The nation got to see the best and the brightest that the Republicans and Democrats had to offer last night at Hofstra University. Here are six takeaways from the debate: 

Click here to join Todd’s American Dispatch: a must-read for Conservatives!

1. Somebody forgot to tell the moderator that he was supposed to moderate and not debate Donald Trump.  Lester Holt, of the Nobody But Clinton network, was clearly in the tank for Hillary Clinton. I suspect he was secretly auditioning to be her press secretary.  Just  tally the number of times Holt interrupted Trump and pressed him on follow up questions and then compare that number to Hillary’s. As we say in Dixie, Hillary got some home-cookin’.

2. Hillary Clinton does not hold the American people in high esteem. She previously referred to us as a “Basket of Deplorables” and irredeemable. But during the debate she accused us of having an “implicit bias” against African-Americans. She seems to believe the only way to redeem all of us gun-toting, Bible-clinging Deplorables is to shame us into submission.

3. If Donald Trump’s record on women is fair game, then so is Hillary’s. She needs to be called out for taking money from countries that treat women as second-class citizens. She needs to be called out for the terrible things she said about her husband’s “lady friends.” Hillary also took a swipe at Trump’s achievements. She said the only reason he was successful was because of his father. To be fair, Trump could argue that the only reason for Hillary’s success is because of her husband.

4. Trump needs to let go of the birther stuff – even if the Mainstream Media won’t. And he needs to either release his tax returns or come up with a better excuse for why he won’t.

5. There was no clear winner – but that does not mean Trump lost. In spite of the Mainstream Media’s disgusting narrative, millions of Americans tuned in to discover that Trump does not wear gold-lined bed sheets or burn crosses at Mar-a-Lago.

6. There is bipartisan agreement that Hillary should never do another shoulder shimmy on national television. Ever.

2016 Presidential Election

This has been a most interesting campaign cycle so far.   Trump has added a human element to it so far that is interesting and fun.   Hillary just uses the same old tired Liberal talking points.   Trump talked about the issues and Hillary talked about Trump. 

I loved the deplorable remark Hillary made now when I go on Twitter there is about a kazillion user names with “deplorable” in them.  It kind of reenergized things for the Republican side.     I keep waiting for Trump to really let go and slam Hillary with adds and truth but for some reason he is laying low;  I hope he has a last minute barrage of ads planned.  

This past month we have driven from where we are in Waterford NY to Eagle Bridge on one trip and to Corinth and to Schroon Lake and haven’t seen a ton of campaign signs but we did see quite a few Trump signs and no Hillary signs.    Well we did see a couple that said “Hillary for Prison”. 


Hillary – Never

Hillary Rodham Clinton: An Exceptionally Dishonest Life

From Tea Party Nation

Posted by Frosty Wooldridge on April 11, 2016 at 8:34am

By Frosty Wooldridge

Hillary Clinton lives a very dishonest life. From the time she enjoyed “first lady” status as the wife of Governor Bill Clinton in Arkansas, to her time as the president’s wife in the White House—all the way to Secretary of State of our nation—Hillary Rodham Clinton told-tells so many lies—she thinks lying equates to normality.

Beyond her slinging “F-words” toward her servants in Arkansas to raging “F-bombs” at Secret Service agents in the White House as documented in a half dozen books, she tolerated-condoned a husband who broke every moral code of marriage and ethics during his tenure of power.

She continued(s) her deceptive-dishonest life in order to gain and maintain power at the highest levels of government.

Lord Acton, 1834-1901, said, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.” (The same can be said for such women as Hillary Clinton.)

No woman with any moral or ethical fiber within her being would tolerate her husband lying repeatedly over the years, cheating on her over the decades and having sex with 21 year old intern Monica Lewinski in the Oval Office of the White House.

At one point as a young lawyer in the Watergate proceedings, she faced discipline for lying and malfeasance, which Jerry Zeifman, a democrat—fired her.

This quote comes from FoxNation February 25, 2014:

“As Hillary Clinton came under increasing scrutiny for her story about facing sniper fire in Bosnia, one question that arose was whether she has engaged in a pattern of lying.

“The now-retired general counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, who supervised Hillary when she worked on the Watergate investigation, says Hillary’s history of lies and unethical behavior goes back farther – and goes much deeper – than anyone realizes.

“Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. Hillary got a job working on the investigation at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall, who was also Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick affair. When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation – one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career.”


“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.” (Several fact checks contest the proceedings, but cannot definitely vanquish this event.)

In the book Passion & Betrayal by Jennifer Flowers, the blond model described her 12-year affair with Bill Clinton descriptively and compellingly. Historians may read the book for a clearer understanding of the ‘real’ Bill Clinton. He shared the same dishonest and deceitful life as his wife Hillary.

During her time as Secretary of State, she utilized Muslim Brotherhood female aide Huma Abedin to counsel Hillary and push Abedin’s Islamic influence into the White House. Today, no less than 13 Muslims aide and direct Barack Hussein Obama including the head of the CIA, John O. Brennan, who converted to Islam.

While Secretary of State, she illegally used outside and insecure email servers to carry on our nation’s highest top secrets of classified information. That’s a direct violation of our laws and punishable by prison.

Additionally, in 2012, she ignored calls from Ambassador Stevens as to the dangers facing him and his staff in Libya. She failed to send in Special Forces in the area to protect Stevens’ life and that of embassy staff. Four perished.

She later explained and gave excuses, “What difference did it make?”

Four good men lost their lives as well as the anguish of their families. Hillary Clinton, like all bureaucrats enjoys 24/7 protection from harm. Additionally, she created a story that a video against Islam caused the attack, which proved totally false.

After leaving the White House, she complained about being broke, when in fact, a retiring president commands in excess of $200,000.00 a year for the rest of his life.

Right now, investigators could indict her for her lies as to the emails, Benghazi and many of her activities with overseas money known as the “Panama Papers.” Because she enjoys insider power, many others cover up for her and she covers for them. We may never know the truth about Benghazi, just as we may never know the truth about how, where and the ‘who’ of Barack Obama’s origins.

Today, Hillary steps in front of adoring crowds with her anticipating to become the first female U.S. president. Most don’t know about her past, don’t care about her lies or her vindictive personal behavior. They expect to vote along party lines with their emotions.

She told reporters that America needs to inject more than 75,000 Syrian refugees, as if none of them will instigate the next Brussels, Belgium or Paris, France terrorist attacks in America. She neglects to mention that African-Americans struggle horribly in today’s economy. She neglects the 1.5 million homeless Americans as well as 14 million unemployed, but expects to place all those refugees on welfare. She forgets that America suffocates under a $19 trillion debt. She fails to comprehend that America imports 1.2 million legal immigrants annually with 91 percent of them subsisting on welfare paid for by struggling Americans. She promises amnesty for 20 to 30 million illegal aliens violating our nation’s borders. She refuses to secure America’s borders.

If a life of deception and dishonesty propels Hillary Rodham Clinton into the White House again, the utter moral, ethical and reasoned foundation of the U.S. Constitution and the American people will flush into the toilet of history. While she dresses nicely, speaks eloquently and dances her dance—she cannot out talk, out run or out last her exceptionally dishonest life.

— Frosty Wooldridge
Golden, CO

Can the GOP win in the fall?

They can if they stop fighting each other.   I can just picture Hillary and her stall watching this happen and taking notes.   The GOP is doing Hillary’s job for her by giving her ideas and airing our dirty laundry.  We are poised to lose an election we should have won easily.   At least one member of my family has left the Republican party and registered as an Independent. . . . I am thinking of doing the same. 

When do they indict Hillary?

Posted by Judson Phillips on January 9, 2016 at 2:09pm in Tea Party Nation Forum

When is the Department of Justice going to indict Hillary Clinton?  What started out as a small drip of information is now turning into a torrent.  It is absolutely obvious that Hillary Clinton broke not just one law but several.

The Democrats keep acting like the Email scandal is just a GOP fabrication.  The facts show otherwise.

From Lifezette:

The latest batch of Hillary Clinton emails released by the State Department early Friday contain what may be the smoking gun that forces the Justice Department to charge the former secretary of state with a crime, according to former federal prosecutor Joseph diGenova.

“This is gigantic,” said diGenova. “She caused to be removed a classified marking and then had it transmitted in an unencrypted manner. That is a felony. The removal of the classified marking is a federal crime. It is the same thing to order someone to do it as if she had done it herself.”

On the June 17, 2011, email chain with senior State Department adviser Jake Sullivan, Clinton apparently asked Sullivan to change the marking on classified information so that it is no longer flagged as classified.

Clinton, using her private email server, asks for “the TPs,” apparently a reference to talking points being prepared for her. Sullivan, who is using his official State Department email, responds, “They say they’ve had issues sending secure fax. They’re working on it.” Clinton responds, “If they can’t, turn into nonpaper w[ith] no identifying heading and send nonsecure.”

To quote Donald Trump, “This is ‘yuge!’”

The truth is the Democrats are criminals. They don’t care about America. They don’t care about protecting this nation. They do not care about Americans nor do they care about justice.

As Hillary Clinton shows, they are just criminals. 

Hillary As Karl Marx or a Joke by Groucho Marx

Hillary As Karl Marx or a Joke by Groucho Marx

David Lawrence



Hillary is not Groucho Marx.  She has no sense of humor.  She is one of his jokes.  She is Karl Marx, a killer of free enterprise. Her ads in South Carolina say that capitalism is a rigged game. 

Like she couldn’t rig things from her political heights married to Bill and funneling money to her Clinton Foundation slush fund while

she was Secretary of State.

Like she and Bill didn’t make speeches for millions and abuse the middle class people by their own income inequality.

Hillary is an income eater. Politics is her fork.  Our money is her pork.

Hillary is a left winger but she doesn’t believe in Darwin. Survival of the fittest is anathema to her. She thinks everyone should earn equally.  As if excellence was forbidden.  As if a model shouldn’t be prettier than an average woman.  As if no athlete should make the major leagues, leaving poor athletes in the sand lots. As if Einstein shouldn’t be world famous for being smarter than the average idiot and the moderate genius.

Thanks to Obama there are more poor people than rich in America.  Hillary plans to get the support of these multitudinous people by lowering the standard of living of the rich.

In the fifties income equality in Russia left people standing on bread lines in the streets. The fair share principle ending up everyone getting a fair share of nothing.

Hillary has now tried to beat her socialistic hippy moron opponent Bernie Sanders by airing radio ads

in Iowa and South Carolina. If she is so against income inequality why doesn’t  she give away  her millions?  Is she so stupid that she thinks we are so stupid that we don’t notice her wealth?

Siddhartha was a rich man who gave away his riches and walked around in a loin cloth. I don’t see Hillary walking around broke in a loin cloth.  Thank God. That would be a horrible sight.

It’s funny that Hillary rails against the income of a top CEO when she has been one of the top politicians

In the country for years.  She has both riches and power. Her trying to be Karl Marx is a joke.

She is not Groucho Marx.  She is one of his glib jokes.  She is a pants suit trying to be a woman.


Check Amazon for David Lawrence, “The King of White Collar Boxing” or “Obama in the Sky with Democrats.”